UXHK 2017 台灣團體報名優惠


UXHK 2017

About UXHK 2017


User Experience Hong Kong (UXHK) is a learning event dedicated to bringing all product and service design disciplines together, from research, marketing, design, technology and the business to name a few, who are interested and passionate about designing great experiences for people and business for a better world for all.


大會日期: 2017/2/24 – 2/25
台灣團體報名優惠為港幣 2,950 元。
優惠期限為 2016 年 12 月 31 日。

報名網址: http://uxhongkong.com/hpx.asp

報名完成,請通知 richard@hpx.tw,好讓我們協助確認。謝謝。


Speakers – UXHK 2017


[one_half] jessejamesgarrett-s
Jesse James Garrett
Adaptive Path
[/one_half] [one_half_last] billalbert-s
Bill Albert
[one_half] andrewgreen-s
Matt Nish-Lapidus
[/one_half] [one_half_last] martinbulmer-s
Davide Casali
[/one_half_last] [one_half] corneliusrachieru-s
Andrew Mayfield
Optimal Workshop
Program – UXHK 2017


Day 1 – Presentations & Conversations Friday 24 February 2017

(1pm – 8pm)

1:00pm Registration opens at reception
2:00pm Welcome & Presentations

Keynote (60 mins)

Jesse James Garrett

Conversations with speakers and the audience

1. Moving your UX career to the next level / Bill Albert
Shares some thoughts on how to start and build a UX career. Based on mentoring dozens of graduate students, I will share some practical tips on how to land your dream UX job, impact your organization in a meaningful way, and eventually become a thought leader in the UX community.

2. Falling in love with the problem, rather than the solution / Andrew Green
Every day we work hard designing the best solutions for our users. We have an idea about ‘how it could be’ and focus on making that solution great. But what PROBLEM are we actually trying to solve? How do we know it’s a REAL problem? How do we know that we’ve SOLVED the problem? Andrew will share some thoughts on why we need to fall in-love with the problem rather than the solution – and how it makes you a better UX designer.

3. Designing systems for experts / Martin Bulmer
Systems for experts (not expert systems, those are something else) are those tools that will typically be at the heart of your business. For example, the ‘green screen’ system used by your call centre staff when dealing with customer enquiries, the CRM used every day by the sales team or the loans system used by banking staff when structuring and qualifying loans for customers.

Designing systems that experts use day in, day out is a very different challenge from designing for the casual user of a website or system. For example, making the system simple and easy to learn might be the exact opposite of what you should do!

This will be a practical talk that will let you see inside the process with real world examples.

4. The anatomy of a design argument / Cornelius Rachieru
In spite of being subject matter experts, designers have to constantly defend their design decisions to non-designers. This session will review a few concepts that are handy to master when faced with a design argument with our business counterparts, from Jedi mind tricks to validation stacks.

Day 2 – Half day workshops Saturday 25 February 2017

9am – 8pm (Lunch 1 – 2:30pm)
Workshop 1: Measuring emotional engagement
Bill Albert

Workshop 2: Think like a Product Manager. Become a better UX Designer
Andrew Green

Workshop 3: Running design sprints
Martin Bulmer

Workshop 4: Designing for multi-channel UX ecosystems
Cornelius Rachieru


72, Tat Chee Avenue,
Kowloon Tong
Kowloon, Hong Kong


UXHK 2015 official website: http://uxhongkong.com/
Email: info@uxhongkong.com
Phone: +852 2581 2166

Organizers & Sponsors


Supporting Organizations






